How to Create a Great Profile on Upwork

How to Create a Great Profile on Upwork

November 10, 20201 min read

The best way to build a strong profile on Upwork is to do an amazing job for every gig you take on.

For some reason, not a lot of freelancers want to go this route.

When I hire on Upwork, most of the freelancers I take on want to give up on jobs if they don’t know exactly what to do.

It’s weird. They fear spending their own time learning or thinking through things.

They would rather just refund the money and waste everyone’s time rather than take action and solve the problem.

Again, this is super weird.

When I take on a gig, I don’t stop until I figure it out and make sure they are happy.

Why? Because I know they know I went out of my way to solve the problem. This makes them want to go out of their way to write me an awesome review.

And those reviews are worth their weight in gold.

Those reviews not just raise your score, they raise your value. It shows that you accomplished something and it feels good. It makes you proud of what you did, and you can redirect that into building your own personal brand.

And you increase your skillset.

With this wisdom, clients will be attracted to you and you won’t have to sell yourself as much.

Your past clients and history will do it for you.

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